Together, we ensure an environment where care, comfort, and well-being take center stage.
We believe in creating environments that are not only functional but also exude a warm and welcoming atmosphere. As a leading company in high-quality interior finishes, we take pride in our years of experience in designing and realizing spaces that meet the unique needs of healthcare institutions, including hospitals and residential and care centers.
With a passionate team of experts and an extensive range of innovative products, we strive to make a difference in the quality of life for patients, residents, and caregivers. Our focus lies in sustainability, functionality, aesthetics, and the seamless integration of our products into the specific environment of each healthcare institution. With precision and dedication, we contribute to the enhanced quality of healthcare environments.
Some of our rich history of successful projects :
Hospitals :
AZ Rivierenland Bornem | AZ Maria Middelares Ghent | AZ Sint-Jan Bruges | AZ Middelheim Antwerp | UZ Ghent | UZ Leuven | UZ Brussels | Polyclinic Edith Cavell Brussels | CHA Libramont
Residential and care centres :
WZC Wellington Ostend | WZC Meunyckenhof Koekelare | WZC Villa Hollebeek Antwerp | WZC Heilig Hart Kortrijk | WZC Raoul Hicguet Montignies-sur-Sambre | WZC Vishay Evere
Read more in our Care Projects brochure